The Gentle Season
The Gentle Season
The Gentle Season—A season all its own, the time between the audacity of autumn and brutality of winter, when calm and soft light ensues; it’s a beautiful time of year here in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
The Roanoke Valley; taken from the Blue Ridge Parkway…
An Illuminating Evening the sun burst through the treetops!
Taken in the Jefferson National Forest, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, on Jennings Creek and Powell’s Gap.
On a Gentle Eve
Taken on a back road in Bedford County, Virginia, on this very gentle evening…as Canada Geese drift silently on this placid little lake.
On the Farmstead
This is one of kind of building that the earliest pioneers to the Appalachians would have built on their farmstead. They made the best of what they had to work with, with the simplest of tools such as an ax and froe. Most were very poor and couldn’t afford more or better tools; they could also only carry so much on their backs through the rugged Blue Ridge terrain.
A Dapple Day
Found on a back road in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia on a rainy day...
Snowden Trestle
Railroad trestle across the James River at Snowden in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia…
Switch-back Gate and the Meadow Beyond
In the old days, farmers in the Blue Ridge Mountains used these narrow opening switch-back gates that allowed them easy access to fields and meadows but was impossible for cattle to maneuver through. Taken just off of the Blue Ridge Parkway on a very misty, rainy day…
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Tags: [Blue Ridge][Parkway][Mountains][Photography]
![The Gentle Season](
The Roanoke Valley; taken from the Blue Ridge Parkway…
An Illuminating Evening
![An Illuminating Evening](
Taken in the Jefferson National Forest, in the Blue Ridge Mountains, on Jennings Creek and Powell’s Gap.
On a Gentle Eve
![On a Gentle Eve](
On the Farmstead
![On the Farmstead](
A Dapple Day
![A Dapple Day](
Snowden Trestle
![Snowden Trestle](
Switch-back Gate and the Meadow Beyond
![Switch-back Gate and the Meadow Beyond](
Click any image to see a larger version!
To see more of my images of the Blue Ridge click here…
Tags: [Blue Ridge][Parkway][Mountains][Photography]
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